Mew Mew

Not even a year back we were introduced to this adorable ball of fur, and since then our life has been mushed!

And you will agree now and how 🙂

While each pet parent feels that their pet is the best, ours is the bestest. How my heart beams with pride when someone fondly mentions our cato. I am sometimes astonished how this little thing can have powers to create a fan following, influence our moods and habits. There are so many tickles that our heart had not known!

There is so much joy and bliss in the house of a pet, something that I had not known and couldn’t have understood till the time Mew entered our lives.

Just as a plant, a pet should also be part pf each house hold. Adopt one, buy one as per your liking but surely have one around you and you will feel a positive change. It is a transforming experience, much needed for self growth and also good for the planet.

Amen and Thank you!

Being a Bubble

Water boiling in the pot

Some bubbles burst too early, some reach the surface

bubbles in boiling water

Bubbles that burst in the liquid causes ripples, while some die in anonymity

Some bubbles reach the surface and burst hot steam

The bubble doesn’t know it’s fate, but continues in the energy cycle

Not sure which bubble is better, but each has a role in boiling water


This place surely has some enigmatic aura and it is complex to decipher the pull it has on the mind.

…may be geographically the landscapes have their own identity which is very unique to this terrain.

Or may be it is the experience of the journey that leads to Yosemite… after the seemingly long and never ending curvy roads … you start to get the glimpse of the granite treasures.

Or may be on a more poetic note…the mountains and cliffs stand out as the ancestors of the past wanting to tell their story. A story of the turmoiled, rebelling and unsettled soul.. looking into our eyes and asking for our attention and respect.

Reasons could be infinite but there can be only one motive … to cherish the memories and experiences of this pristine place. I hope it gets more beautiful by the day and more resilient to averse global warning changes.

God Bless You Yosemite… You are precious!

If you want to find secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration – Nikola Tesla

Not sure what to make of a thought when it is so profound… so scientific and yet so philosophical… But it surely strikes a cord and fits perfectly with my work-life philosophy.

And here I get a chance to explore my humble analogy with Nikola’s view.

So if, Humans = Energy


Our energies define who we are i.e. our qualities, strengths, skills or talents.

Our frequency which is a manifestation of our energies, defines our endeavour to connect with the outside world i.e. our communication, our vibes or thoughts.

Vibrations define the impact that we create resulting from the alignment of our energies and its manifestations.

If nothing else, this could probably answer the question of how and why people become so successful in their pursuits.

In the marriage of Apathy and Empathy…

Pain! what else can you expect? And that’s what we will get if we don’t have a mindful view of the purpose and process.

Let me provide clarity on this article, it is not about humans per se, but about our choices and our approaches.

Although Apathy and Empathy are human emotions but you will find their conflict of interests in all spheres of life and non life. it could be

  • 2 puzzle pieces that don’t fit
  • 2 individuals that cannot get along
  • 2 ideologies that are not compatible

When expectations are not met, relationships turn sour and sometimes break. It can be emotionally toiling but why to lose heart and boil blood? Can we have an objective view of our heart breaks?

Yes of course, it has taken me a long time at the cost of my heart breaks to see a pattern that can help prepare for future scenarios. So lets start from the basics, why do Apathy and Empathy come together in the first place? Because,

  1. Opposites attract,
  2. There is a gap that is to be filled between them

(There might be other reasons but for brevity lets retain the focus on these 2 aspects)

And here are the learnings or pointers for study,

Learning 1 – When Apathy and Empathy come together, they should realise the powers of attraction. It is the oppositeness that has got them together. Their fascination is limited to knowing the unknown and discovering.

Tip – Focus to discover the unknowns and check mark the common areas.

Learning 2 – Understand and define the threshold for opposite behaviours. Be unbiased and objective. This comes easy for Apathisers, but can be difficult for Empathisers. So if you are leaning too much then detach yourself for awhile. Check your biases.

Here is a good article to be on the top of the game.

Tip – Define how much is too much

Learning 3 – Set goals for the commitment. Goals can be individual and also combined. What is to be achieved and why? Define the success parameters.

Tip – Test the equation.

Learning 4 – Review hypotheses, Move on, with or without. Do a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) of the situation even if you have succeeded.

Tip – Keep talking about it. The more you express the more perspectives you get.

This is what the process looks like, inspired from 4D.

Screenshot 2018-11-12 at 6.17.23 PM

Commitments fail, be it human to human or human to non human, but an objective view can help to define ‘ourselves’ in the situation. So before losing your heart and taking a drastic step, pause to reflect and then move ahead.

Also understand that,

Apathisers are not always brutal heart breakers, but they have different views and rationale.

Empathisers on the other hand are over flowing with emotions.

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And we are not perpetually apathetic or empathetic, but it is our choice of role that we want to play in a given situation.

So, if expectations are not met, it is only because the views and intentions are not aligned.

So it is a divorce? happily ever after?

Depends on YOU!

Thanks for reading!

My work-life philosophy

Everyday majority of time is spent at workplaces.

It is our second home our inseparable part. And it is very natural to have a love – hate relationship at our workplaces. But it is a challenging one, since we are dealing with projects, personalities, practices, power structures, perspectives all at the same time.

It can be rewarding and enriching but it is also be discomforting and frustrating. As a result we are spending a lot time thinking about our work outside of the places and time limits.

Time and again we have to remind our selves that there is life beyond; here Gita helps me realise the alignment of variables and MMW helps to manage expectations.

Following is my visualisation to find a balance of personal well being and being competent.

Inspired by My Gita and Make Meaningful Work







